Scroll and Swap Text

Scroll and Swap Text

A text component that swaps the letters vertically on scroll.


Every day is a journey,and the journey itself is home.


npx shadcn@latest add ""

Understanding the component

The trick here is similar to the Letter Swap Hover component—duplicate the text, then wrapping the them in a container with relative position, then stack the elements vertically. We use useScroll hook from motion to track the scroll position of the container, and use the scrollYProgress value to offset the vertical position of the elements (by setting the y property of the element).


In order to achieve a nice effect, you likely have to play with the container (where to track the scroll) and its offset. Please refer to framer's documentation for more details.

Make sure that the container has a non-static position, like relative, fixed, or absolute to ensure scroll offset is calculated correctly.


label*string-The text to be displayed and animated
containerRef *React.RefObject<HTMLSpanElement>-Reference to the container element for scroll tracking
offset[string, string]["0 0", "0 1"]The scroll offset range for the animation
classNamestring-Additional CSS classes for styling