

A component that types out a text, one letter at a time.

We're born 🌞 to



npx shadcn@latest add ""


As a text, either a string or an array of strings can be passed to the component. The component will automatically split the text into an array of characters, and animate each letter one by one. If you pass an array of strings, the component will animate one text, delete it, then continue animating the next one. The component will loop through the texts if you set the loop prop to true.

The cursor at the end of the text is optional. You can use a character or even a svg node if you like. There is a prop to customize the cursor animation, where you have to define the two motion variants as initial and animate.

Ideally, the component should respect multiple lines. If you experience otherwise, please let me know.:)


text*string | string[]-The text or array of texts to be displayed and animated
speednumber50Speed of typing animation in milliseconds
initialDelaynumber0Delay before typing starts in milliseconds
waitTimenumber2000Time to wait before deleting text in milliseconds
loopbooleantrueWhether to loop through the texts
deleteSpeednumber30Speed of delete animation in milliseconds
classNamestringundefinedAdditional CSS classes for styling
showCursorbooleantrueWhether to show the cursor
hideCursorOnTypebooleanfalseWhether to hide the cursor when typing
cursorCharstring | React.ReactNode"|"Character or node to use as cursor
cursorAnimationVariants{ initial: Variants["initial"]; animate: Variants["animate"] }{ initial: { opacity: 0 }, animate: { opacity: 1, transition: { duration: 0.01, repeat: Infinity, repeatDelay: 0.4, repeatType: "mirror" } } }Framer Motion variants for cursor animation
cursorClassNamestring"ml-1"Additional CSS classes for cursor styling